4月份對話新訊息:「棘手複雜問題的對話~ 以氣候變遷為例」How dialogue can change our climate

棘手複雜問題的解決方案,如:氣候變遷, 必須有跨領域對話、跨部門整合、中央、地方和民間的有夥伴關係,態度上更要保持正向思考,跳出框框看問題,利用對話代替對立。

李鴻源, 前任內政部長,前台北縣副縣長以及曾受聘於聯合國水利署(UN-Water)在開發中國家進行諮詢,致力於將可持續發展的概念拓展到全台灣。他在2012年TEDxTaipei年會中表示氣候變遷的問題我們不是沒有答案,而是我們從來不對話。

四月份朝邦對話新訊息將藉助這段短講, 呼籲對話在解決棘手問題的重要性,你我都可以改變的一分子, 從對話開始,把國民轉成公民,對話代替對立。

What should we do about climate change?  Dialogue.

In Dr. Hong-yuan Lee speech you’ll hear some shocking facts about Taiwan and how Taiwan’s complex social, environmental and political problems – such as climate change – can be solved using public dialogue to bridge sectors and build partnerships across central and local government departments and with civil society.  Doing so requires a positive thinking attitude, looking at a problem from different perspectives and using dialogue instead of opposition.

Dr. Hong-yuan Lee previously served as Taiwan’s Minister of the Interior, Deputy Mayor of Taipei County, and was commissioned by UN-Water to help developing countries address their water issues, achieve sustainable development and to bring this knowledge back to Taiwan.  In TEDxTaipei’s 2012 conference Dr. Lee tells us that climate change is a problem not because we don’t have an answer but because we never dialogue.

This April CP Yen Foundation dialogue newsletter shows a video of Dr. Lee calling for dialogue to resolve the important climate change issues of our lifetime.  We are each part of the change and can be national activists turning opposition into dialogue.
